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2.2.1.  Binary File Description (BFD)

BFD is a package which allows applications to use the same routines to operate on object files whatever the object file format. A new object file format can be supported simply by creating a new BFD back end and adding it to the library.

The BFD library back end creates a number of data structures describing the data held in a particular type of object file. Ultimately a unique enumerated constant (of type enum bfd_architecture) is defined for each individual architecture. This constant is then used to access the various data structures associated with the BFD of the particular architecture.

In the case of the OpenRISC 1000, 32-bit implementation (which may be a COFF or ELF binary), the enumerated constant is bfd_arch_or32.

BFD is part of the binutils package. A binutils implementation must be provided for any architecture intending to support the GNU tool chain.

The OpenRISC 1000 is supported by the GNU tool chain. BFD back ends already exist which are suitable for use with 32-bit OpenRISC 1000 images in ELF or COFF format as used with either the RTEMS or Linux operating systems.

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