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4.1.1.  The OpenRISC 1000 Architecture

The OpenRISC 1000 architecture defines a family of free, open source RISC processor cores. It is a 32 or 64-bit load and store RISC architecture designed with emphasis on performance, simplicity, low power requirements, scalability and versatility.

The OpenRISC 1000 is fully documented in its Architecture Manual [6].

From a debugging perspective, there are three data areas that are manipulated by the instruction set.

  1. Main memory. A uniform address space with 32 or 64-bit addressing. Provision for separate or unified instruction and data and instruction caches. Provision for separate or unified, 1 or 2-level data and instruction MMUs.

  2. General Purpose Registers (GPRs). Up to 32 registers, 32 or 64-bit in length.

  3. Special Purpose Registers (SPRs). Up to 32 groups each with up to 2048 registers, up to 32 or 64-bit in length. These registers provide all the administrative functionality of the processor: program counter, processor status, saved exception registers, debug interface, MMU and cache interfaces, etc.

The Special Purpose Registers (SPRs) represent a challenge for GDB, since they represent neither addressable memory, nor have the characteristics of a register set (generally modest in number).

A number of SPRs are of particular significance to the GDB implementation.

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