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4.6.5.  Setting the Program Counter

The program counter (i.e. the address of the next instruction to be executed) is held in Special Purpose Register 16 (next program counter). Within Or1ksim this is cached in cpu_state.pc.

When changing the next program counter in Or1ksim it is necessary to change associated data which controls the delay slot pipeline. If there is a delayed transfer, the flag cpu_state.delay_insn is set. The address of the next instruction to be executed (which is affected by the delay slot) is held in the global variable, pc_next.

The utility function set_npc () takes an address as argument. If that address is different to the current value of NPC, then the NPC (in cpu_state.pc) is updated to the new address, the delay slot pipeline is cleared (cpu_state.delay_insn is set to zero) and the following instruction (pcnext) is set to cpu_state.pc+4.

Embecosm divider strip