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Chapter 1.  Introduction

1.1. About Embecosm

Many of the other application notes and technical papers written by Embecosm make use of the OpenCores OpenRISC 1000 simulator and tool chain in examples. Since these systems are made available under open source licenses, they are a convenient base for examples that can be used freely.

This application note supports these existing application notes and technical papers by documenting how the OpenRISC 1000 Or1ksim architecture and its associated tool chain should be installed. It also provides examples of the simulator and tool chain in use, including a recent Linux kernel.

Issue 3 of this application note is updated to use release 2.0 of the port of GDB 6.8 and Linux kernel version 2.6.23. A number of clarifications have been added in the light of user feedback on issues 1 and 2.

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