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3.4.2.  Configuring Linux

The configuration options for a Linux kernel are held in the .config file in the top directory of the kernel. The code patched for OpenRISC sets up a suitable file in .config.


Previous versions of these instructions required copying of a file into the .config file. This is no longer required.

The kernel can now be configured using its graphical configuration tool.

make menuconfig ARCH=or32 CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/or32/bin/or32-uclinux-

Use the cursor keys to move to the OpenRISC specific drivers sub-menu and select it. There is only one entry, OpenCores Ethernet support, which should be deselected (press N).


The Ethernet code does not appear to work reliably in the Or1ksim simulator, which is why it is deselected here.

Having made this change, exit up through the menus and from the configuration system, saving the configuration file when prompted. As well as creating the .config file, this will have also linked in the correct include files for the Linux kernel build.

The build of Linux makes use of a RAMdisk filing system. For initial building, the patched source includes an image from MOF which is suitable. This provides a set of BusyBox utilities which can be used when Linux starts up.


Previous versions of these instructions required copying of a file into the RAMdisk image. This is no longer required.

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