Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
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4.2.1.  Included Headers

The Or1ksim SystemC wrapper module class, Or1ksimSC, is defined in the file Or1ksimSC.h. It will provide a single initiator socket, for data access, dataBus. No instruction accesses are planned, so modeling an external instruction bus is unnecessary.

The module includes the tlm.h header, which defines the core TLM 2.0 interface and the required convenience wrapper header—in this case for a simple initiator socket.

The POSIX stdint.h header is also included, since the definitions and code will make use of the fixed width native types defined there.

#include <stdint.h>

#include "tlm.h"
#include "tlm_utils/simple_initiator_socket.h"
#include "or1ksim.h"

There is no need to include the standard systemc header, since this is included automatically by tlm.h.

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