Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
Embecosm divider strip
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5.5.2.  Memory Mapped Data Structure

The memory mapped address is defined in the configuration of Or1ksim (see Section 5.6) to be 0x90000000. This is set as a defined constant in the test program.

#define BASEADDR  0x90000000

The memory mapped structure consists of a byte, half word (16 bits) and full word (32 bits), all declared as volatile within the struct. These are all declared with the C types, which for the OpenRISC 1000 tool chain are known to correspond to these sizes.

struct  testdev
  volatile unsigned char       byte;
  volatile unsigned short int  halfword;
  volatile unsigned long  int  fullword;

The main program declares a pointer to this struct at the BASEADDR, along with 3 variables to hold the results of the various sized results when reading.

  struct testdev *dev = (struct testdev *)BASEADDR;

  unsigned char       byteRes;
  unsigned short int  halfwordRes;
  unsigned long int   fullwordRes;
Embecosm divider strip