Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
Embecosm divider strip
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5.5.4.  Checking Read Access

The values are then read back. No results are expected (the logger does not set any values), but this should check the process behaves as expected.

  byteRes = dev->byte;
  simputs( "Read 0x" );
  simputh(  byteRes );
  simputs( " from address 0x" );
  simputh( (unsigned long int)(&(dev->byte)) );
  simputs( "\n" );

  halfwordRes = dev->halfword;
  simputs( "Read 0x" );
  simputh( halfwordRes );
  simputs( " from address 0x" );
  simputh( (unsigned long int)(&(dev->halfword)) );
  simputs( "\n" );

  fullwordRes = dev->fullword;
  simputs( "Read 0x" );
  simputh( fullwordRes );
  simputs( " from address 0x" );
  simputh( (unsigned long int)(&(dev->fullword)) );
  simputs( "\n" );

At the end of the program, the utility simexit is used. This not only terminates the program, but will also exit the simulation.

Embecosm divider strip