Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
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6.3.2.  Extended Or1ksim Wrapper Module Class Definition

The new class, Or1ksimExtSC is derived from Or1ksimSC, so the definition file includes its header. The module class can then inherit from that class.

#include "Or1ksimSC.h"

class Or1ksimExtSC
: public Or1ksimSC

A custom constructor must be defined. Custom constructors do not inherit, so a new custom constructor is defined just to pass the arguments on to the base class.

  Or1ksimExtSC( sc_core::sc_module_name  name,
                const char              *configFile,
                const char              *imageFile );

A new public function to report the endianness of the underlying CPU model is defined

bool  isLittleEndian();

The doTrans function is reimplemented here, to allow the thread to yield. The function remains protected and virtual, since it will be redefined again later in this application note.

virtual void  doTrans( tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans );

The extended Or1ksim wrapper module class, Or1ksimExtSC, definition may be found in sys-models/simple-soc/Or1ksimExtSC.h in the distribution. It uses the TLM 2.0 simple target convenience socket (described earlier in Chapter 5).

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