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4.3.2. Global Data Structures

The RSP server has one data structure, rsp, shared amongst its implementing functions (and is thus declared static in rsp-server.c).

static struct
  int                client_waiting;
  int                proto_num;
  int                server_fd;
  int                client_fd;
  int                sigval;
  unsigned long int  start_addr;
  struct mp_entry   *mp_hash[MP_HASH_SIZE];
} rsp;

The fields are:

The RSP server also draws on several Or1ksim data structures. Most notably config for configuration data and cpu_state for all the CPU state data.  The Matchpoint Hash Table

The matchpoint hash table is implemented as an open hash table, where the hash table entry is calculated as the address of the matchpoint modulo the size of the hash table (MP_HASH_SIZE) and the key is formed from the address and the matchpoint type. Matchpoint types are defined for memory and hardware breakpoints and hardware write, read and access watchpoints:

enum mp_type {
  BP_MEMORY   = 0,
  WP_WRITE    = 2,
  WP_READ     = 3,
  WP_ACCESS   = 4

Each entry in the table holds the instruction at the location of the matchpoint, which in the case of memory breakpoints will have been replaced by l.trap

struct mp_entry
  enum mp_type       type;
  unsigned long int  addr;
  unsigned long int  instr;
  struct mp_entry   *next;

Linking through the next field allows multiple entries with the same hash value to be stored.

Interface to the hash table is through four functions:

  • mp_hash_init (). void function which sets all the hash table slots to NULL

  • mp_hash_add (). void function which adds an entry to the hash table (if it is not already there). It takes three arguments, the matchpoint type and address and the instruction stored at that address. Repeated adding of the same entry has no effect, which provides convenient behavior for debugging over noisy connections where packets may be duplicated.

  • mp_hash_lookup (). Function to look up a key in the hash table. It takes a matchpoint type and address and returns a pointer to the entry (as a pointer to struct mp_entry) or NULL if the key is not found.

  • mp_hash_delete (). Function with the same behavior as mp_hash_lookup (), but also deletes the entry from the hash table if it is found there. If the entry is not found, it silently does nothing (and returns NULL).


    This function returns a pointer to the struct—mp_entry deleted from the hash table if the key is found. To avoid memory leaks it is important that the caller delete this structure (using free ()) when the data has been extracted.

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