Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
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10.1.1.  Class Structure

The overall class diagram for the SoC with interrupts incorporating a UART and terminal is shown in Figure 10.2. The design is similar to that for the temporally decoupled SoC (see Section 9.3.1). The Or1ksim ISS wrapper and UART are both subclassed to add the behavior needed for interrupt handling. There is no need to subclass the terminal module, since it has no interrupts to be modeled.

The new Or1ksimIntrSC class is associated with an array of 32 signals, which may be connected to peripherals wishing to raise an interrupt.

The new UartIntrSC class is associated with a SystemC FIFO used to collect interrupts raised from both Rx and Tx ports. It also has a SystemC output port, intr on which it drives any interrupt it raises.

Class diagram for the Or1ksim SoC with interrupts.

Figure 10.2.  Class diagram for the Or1ksim SoC with interrupts.

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