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Embecosm divider strip
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7.2.2.  The VARHIDDEN Warning

Rerunning the Verilator build without warnings disabled on the new command file now yields 137 warnings:

%Warning-VARHIDDEN: ../orp_soc/rtl/verilog/dbg_interface/dbg_crc8_d1.v:125: Decl
aration of signal hides declaration in upper scope: Data
%Warning-VARHIDDEN: Use "/* verilator lint_off VARHIDDEN */" and lint_on around 
source to disable this message.
%Warning-VARHIDDEN: ../orp_soc/rtl/verilog/dbg_interface/dbg_crc8_d1.v:111: ... 
Location of original declaration


Verilator warns if a variable or signal declaration has a name which is identical to one in a surrounding block. There is only one instance of this here, in the CRC module of the debug unit. The module declares a function, nextCRC8_D1, with an input parameter named Data at line 125:

function [7:0] nextCRC8_D1;

  input Data;
  input [7:0] Crc;


This input parameter has the same name as that of one of inputs to this module declared at line 111:

module dbg_crc8_d1 (Data, EnableCrc, Reset, SyncResetCrc, CrcOut, Clk);

parameter Tp = 1;

input Data;
input EnableCrc;


This is purely a matter of good design practice. A user reading the function code, could be mistaken in thinking the variable Data referred to the original input signal. For completeness a performance run is done with the revised command file, where the problem has been fixed by renaming the function input parameter.

make verilate COMMAND_FILE=cf-optimized-2.scr \
     VFLAGS="-Wno-lint -Wno-COMBDLY -Wno-UNOPTFLAT -language 1364-2001" \

As expected, performance is not significantly changed, at 42.66 kHz.

Embecosm divider strip