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Embecosm divider strip
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7.2.7.  The UNOPTFLAT Warning

Rerunning the Verilator build without warnings disabled on the new command file now yields just 3 warnings, albeit with quite complex warning messages.

%Warning-UNOPTFLAT: ../local/rtl/verilog/ps2/ps2_top.v:154: Signal unoptimizable
: Feedback to clock or circular logic: v->ps2_top.rx_kbd_data_ready
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT: Use "/* verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT */" and lint_on around 
source to disable this message.
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT:      Example path: ../local/rtl/verilog/ps2/ps2_top.v:154:  
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT:      Example path: ../local/rtl/verilog/ps2/ps2_translation_
table.v:310:  ASSIGNW
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT:      Example path: ../local/rtl/verilog/ps2/ps2_top.v:155:  
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT:      Example path: ../local/rtl/verilog/ps2/ps2_wb_if-2.v:68
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT:      Example path: ../local/rtl/verilog/ps2/ps2_top.v:156:  
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT:      Example path: ../local/rtl/verilog/ps2/ps2_keyboard-2.v
:429:  ALWAYS
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT:      Example path: ../local/rtl/verilog/ps2/ps2_top.v:154:  
%Warning-UNOPTFLAT: ../local/rtl/verilog/or1200/or1200_sprs.v:212: Signal unopti
mizable: Feedback to clock or circular logic: v.or1200_top.or1200_cpu->or1200_sp


This is an important warning to address. It is identifying a set of signals which appear to have cyclic dependency—a combinatorial loop. Rather than evaluating the expression in a single step, Verilator will need to iterate until it settles.

Verilator identifies the problem signal, and at least one loop through which it is being driven. In the first warning in the example, the problem signal is rx_kbd_data_ready at line 154 of ps2_top.v:

wire rx_released,

The next line of the warning identifies that rx_kbd_data_ready is driving rx_translated_data_read_o at line 310 of ps2_translation_table.v:

assign code_o = translate_i ? {(rx_released_i | ram_out[7]), ram_out[6:0]} : cod
e_i ;
assign rx_translated_data_ready_o = translate_i ? rx_translated_data_ready : rx_
data_ready_i ;
assign rx_read_o = rx_read_i ;

The connection is not immediately obvious. rx_translated_data_ready_o is not directly dependent on rx_kbd_data_ready. However this is a different module, and Verilator has flattened the code. The signal rx_data_ready_i is an input. In the instantiation of ps2_translation_table in ps2_top.v, the driving signal, rx_kbd_data_ready is the argument used for the rx_data_ready_i input:

ps2_translation_table i_ps2_translation_table

    .data_o                     (),
    .rx_data_ready_i            (rx_kbd_data_ready),
    .rx_translated_data_ready_o (rx_translated_data_ready),

) ;

The next line of warning identifies that rx_translated_data_ready_o is driving rx_translated_data_ready at line 155 of ps2_top.v:

wire rx_released,

Again the connection is not immediately clear, but the driving signal (rx_translated_data_ready_o) is an output of module ps2_translation_table. This is connected to rx_translated_data_ready_o via its instantiation in ps2_top.v:

ps2_translation_table i_ps2_translation_table

    .rx_data_ready_i            (rx_kbd_data_ready),
    .rx_translated_data_ready_o (rx_translated_data_ready),
    .rx_read_i                  (rx_kbd_read_wb),

) ;

The next line of warning identifies that rx_translated_data_ready is driving rx_kbd_read_o at line 684 of ps2_wb_if-2.v (the previously modified version of ps2_wb_if.v):

assign rx_kbd_read_o = rx_kbd_data_ready_i &&
                       ( enable1
                         ( read_input_buffer_reg
                           `ifdef PS2_AUX

Once again this is a different module, and the connection is through an input to the module. In this case rx_translated_data_ready is passed as input rx_kbd_data_ready_i in the instantiation of ps2_wb_if in ps2_top.v:

ps2_wb_if i_ps2_wb_if
    .wb_clk_i                      (wb_clk_i),
    .wb_rst_i                      (wb_rst_i),


    .rx_scancode_i                 (rx_translated_scan_code),
    .rx_kbd_data_ready_i           (rx_translated_data_ready),
    .rx_kbd_read_o                 (rx_kbd_read_wb),


) ;

The next line of warning identifies that rx_kbd_read_o is driving rx_kbd_read_wb at line 156 of ps2_top.v:

wire rx_released,

Once again this is a different module, and the connection is through an output of the module. In this case rx_kbd_read_o is passed as output in the instantiation of ps2_wb_if in ps2_top.v, where it is connected to rx_kbd_read_wb:

ps2_wb_if i_ps2_wb_if

    .rx_kbd_data_ready_i           (rx_translated_data_ready),
    .rx_kbd_read_o                 (rx_kbd_read_wb),
    .tx_kbd_data_o                 (tx_kbd_data),

) ;

The next line of warning identifies that rx_kbd_read_wb in turn drives rx_read at line 429 of ps2_keyboard-2.v (an already modified version of ps2_keyboard.v):

always @(m2_state or rx_output_strobe or rx_read)
begin : m2_state_logic
  case (m2_state)


The trail through the flattened modules is a little harder this time. The driving signal, rx_kbd_read_wb is an input (rx_read_i) to module ps2_translation_table. Within that module it directly drives (via a continuous assignment), the output rx_read_o, which is connected to rx_kbd_read_tt in ps2_top.v:

ps2_translation_table i_ps2_translation_table

    .rx_translated_data_ready_o (rx_translated_data_ready),
    .rx_read_i                  (rx_kbd_read_wb),
    .rx_read_o                  (rx_kbd_read_tt),
    .rx_released_i              (rx_released)
) ;

rx_kbd_read_tt is in turn the rx_read input in the instantiation of ps2_keyboard:


    .rx_data_ready               (rx_kbd_data_ready),
    .rx_read                     (rx_kbd_read_tt),
    .tx_data                     (tx_kbd_data),


The final line of warning, identifies that rx_read is in turn a driver of the original signal, rx_kbd_data_ready at line 154 of ps2_top.v, thus completing the loop.

The connection is through the rx_data_ready output of ps2_keyboard instantiated in ps2_top.v:


    .rx_scan_code                (rx_scan_code),
    .rx_data_ready               (rx_kbd_data_ready),
    .rx_read                     (rx_kbd_read_tt),


The rx_data_ready output is driven from within the always block dependent on rx_read:

always @(m2_state or rx_output_strobe or rx_read)
begin : m2_state_logic
  case (m2_state)
            rx_data_ready = #1 1'b0;
            if (rx_output_strobe) m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready;
            else m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
            rx_data_ready = #1 1'b1;
            if (rx_read) m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
            else m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready;
    default : m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;

The loop is summarized in Figure 7.1.

Example of a combinatorial loop in ORPSoC

Figure 7.1.  Example of a combinatorial loop in ORPSoC

Breaking Combinatorial Loops

Combinatorial loops can be down to a number of causes. In many cases there is no loop at the bit level. The dependencies are on different bits in a multi-bit signal, none of which form a loop. Verilator looks for loops on the full register or wire, not the individual bits, so flags a warning. The solution in this case is easy - break the signal apart to its individual components.

But this is not the problem with this ORPSoC example. This is a single bit signal, and a genuine combinatorial loop (which will settle, so simulates correctly). The clue to fixing it is in the combinatorial always block in ps2_keyboard-2.v:

always @(m2_state or rx_output_strobe or rx_read)
begin : m2_state_logic
  case (m2_state)
            rx_data_ready = #1 1'b0;
            if (rx_output_strobe) m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready;
            else m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
            rx_data_ready = #1 1'b1;
            if (rx_read) m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
            else m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready;
    default : m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;

There is no reason in a cycle accurate simulation (where # delays are ignored) for rx_data_ready to be set inside the always block. Ignoring the delay, it is low when m2_state == m2_rs_data_ready_ack and high otherwise. The default entry is meaningless in a 2-state simulation, since m2_state is a 1-bit register.

The always block can be written with rx_data_ready assigned outside the block, and the loop is broken:

`ifdef verilator
assign rx_data_ready = ~(m2_state == m2_rx_data_ready_ack); // Breaks comb loop
always @(m2_state or rx_output_strobe or rx_read)
begin : m2_state_logic
  case (m2_state)
`ifndef verilator
            rx_data_ready = #1 1'b0;
            if (rx_output_strobe) m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready;
            else m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
`ifndef verilator
            rx_data_ready = #1 1'b1;
            if (rx_read) m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;
            else m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready;
    default : m2_next_state = #1 m2_rx_data_ready_ack;

Performance Impact of Fixing UNOPTFLAT

The remaining two loops both concern signals in or1200_sprs.v. The command file cf-optimized-7.scr has all these problems fixed. A performance run need not now turn off any warnings.

make clean verilate COMMAND_FILE=cf-optimized-7.scr \
     VFLAGS="-language 1364-2001" NUM_RUNS=1000

This run gives a significant performance improvement over previous runs of 47.06 kHz.

This is one of two warnings that is really important to fix. The other is UNOPT which occurs when modules have input and output signals crossing between them, and which does not occur in ORPSoC.

Even though there were only 3 loops, one of which was in a peripheral with tied-off inputs, fixing this problem gave an 8% performance improvement.

Embecosm divider strip