Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
Embecosm divider strip
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6.2.2.  UART Model Registers

The divisor latch affects the baud rate, which will affect timing of transfers. This will be covered in a later section (see Chapter 8), but is not needed for the current untimed model. The value can be written and read, but does not affect behavior.

All interrupts are modeled (see Section 6.2.3), so all bits in the interrupt enable and interrupt control register are modeled.

The modem control and status registers are only modeled to the extent of supporting modem loopback. This is used by some software to determine the nature of the modem (for example in the standard Linux serial line driver).

The line control register sets details of the bit transfers. In a later section (see Chapter 8), this will affect the timing of transfers, but it is not relevant to the current untimed model.

In the Line Status Register, the Data Ready and Transmitter Holding Empty/Transmitter Empty bits are the only ones modeled. The model does not distinguish a separate buffer and holding transmit register, so the last two of these will move in step in the model.

Embecosm divider strip