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8.5.1.  TermSyncSC Module Class Definition

The new class, TermSyncSC is derived from TermSC. The header for that class is included and the new class derived from it.

#include "TermSC.h"

class TermSyncSC
  : public TermSC

A new custom constructor is needed, which takes a second argument to specify the baud rate.

  TermSyncSC( sc_core::sc_module_name  name,
              unsigned long int        baudRate );

The xtermThread thread will be reimplemented. No further derived classes are anticipated, so this function is declared private and not marked as virtual.

A variable is needed to hold the baud rate. For convenience the class does not hold the baud rate, but the corresponding delay that this represents in sending a character.

  sc_core::sc_time  charDelay;

The definition of the terminal module class with synchronized timing, TermSyncSC may be found in sys-models/sync-soc/TermSyncSC.h in the distribution.

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