Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
Embecosm divider strip
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8.5.2.  TermSyncSC Module Class Implementation

The custom constructor calls the base class constructor to set the module name. The body of the constructor calculates the delay due to the baud rate. There is no configurability (this terminal supports 1 start, 8 data, 0 parity and 1 stop bits only), so this is a one off calculation.

TermSyncSC::TermSyncSC( sc_core::sc_module_name  name,
                        unsigned long int        baudRate ) :
  TermSC( name )  
  charDelay = sc_core::sc_time( 10.0 / (double)baudRate, sc_core::SC_SEC );

}       /* TermSyncSC() */

The xtermThread thread is almost identical to the base class version. A single line is added after the character is read from the xterm and before it is written to the port to add the modeled baud rate delay.

    int ch = xtermRead();               // Should not block

    wait( charDelay );                  // Model baud rate delay
    tx.write( (unsigned char)ch );      // Send it


The implementation of the terminal module class with synchronized timing, TermSyncSC may be found in sys-models/sync-soc/TermSyncSC.cpp in the distribution.

Embecosm divider strip