Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
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8.6.  Main Program for the Synchronous Model

As with the untimed SoC (see Section 7.5.1), the main program includes the headers for TLM 2.0 and the component modules, but this time using the synchronously timed versions.

#include "tlm.h"
#include "Or1ksimSyncSC.h"
#include "UartSyncSC.h"
#include "TermSyncSC.h"

The baud rate for the terminal is defined as a constant for convenience.

#define BAUD_RATE  9600

As before the main program (sc_main) takes as arguments the Or1ksim configuration file and OpenRISC 1000 image. Instances of the three modules are declared, but now have additional arguments. The UART requires an input clock rate—obtained from the ISS via the Or1ksimSyncSC public utility function, getClockRate (see Section 8.3.3). The Terminal requires its baud rate to be set.

  Or1ksimSyncSC  iss( "or1ksim", argv[1], argv[2] );
  UartSyncSC     uart( "uart", iss.getClockRate(), iss.isLittleEndian() );
  TermSyncSC     term( "terminal", BAUD_RATE );

The remainder of the program, connecting components and starting the simulation is identical to the untimed version.

The implementation of the main program for the SoC model with synchronized timing may be found in sys-models/sync-soc/syncSocMainSC.cpp in the distribution.

Embecosm divider strip