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10.2.  Extending the Or1ksimDecoupSC Module Class

10.2.1. Adding Interrupt Generation Functions to the Or1ksim Library
10.2.2. Or1ksimIntrSC Module Class Definition
10.2.3. Or1ksimIntrSC Module Class Implementation

The Or1ksim ISS library is extended to provide API calls to generate an interrupt. The Or1ksim includes a programmable interrupt controller (PIC), which is enabled. The new API call, or1ksim_interrupt, provides an edge-triggered interrupt, and takes as parameter the interrupt number to be triggered. The new API calls, or1ksim_interrupt_set and or1ksim_interrupt_set, provide for setting and clearing level sensitive interrupts. The choice of interrupt type to use is made in the Or1ksim configuration file.

The Or1ksim wrapper, Or1ksimDecoupSC is further extended by a new derived class, Or1ksimIntrSC, which provides an array of signal ports to connect to external devices which wish to generate interrupts.

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