Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
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10.3.  Extending the UartDecoupSC Module Class

10.3.1. UartIntrSC Module Class Definition
10.3.2. UartIntrSC Module Class Implementation

The existing UART module processes interrupts, but does not generate an external interrupt signal. To generate an interrupt signal, UartDecoupSC is further extended by a new derived class, UartIntrSC, which provides a signal port and a new thread to drive that signal port

An extra thread is required, because both the rxMethod and busThread processes may wish to drive signals, but SystemC requires that a signal is driven by a single process. Just as in hardware design a simple wire would not normally have more than one driver.

The new process communicates with the existing processes via a FIFO internal to the UART, allowing rxMethod and busThread to both request interrupt activity and for those requests to be processed in the order they were generated.

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