Services and Modeling for Embedded Software Development
Embecosm divider strip
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3.3.1. 16-bit Instructions of AAP

Opcode Format Encoding Description
NOP   Rd,I 5 0000000dddiiiiii No operation
ADD   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0000001dddaaabbb Unsigned add
SUB   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0000010dddaaabbb Unsigned subtract
AND   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0000011dddaaabbb Bitwise AND
OR    Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0000100dddaaabbb Bitwise OR
XOR   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0000101dddaaabbb Bitwise exclusive OR
ASR   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0000110dddaaabbb Arithmetic shift right
LSL   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0000111dddaaabbb Logical shift left
LSR   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0001000dddaaabbb Logical shift right
MOV   Rd,Ra 1 0001001dddaaa000 Move register to register
ADDI   Rd,Ra,#I 2 0001010dddaaaiii Unsigned add immediate
SUBI   Rd,Ra,#I 2 0001011dddaaaiii Unsigned subtract immediate
ASRI   Rd,Ra,#I 2 0001100dddaaaiii Arithmetic shift right immediate
LSLI   Rd,Ra,#I 2 0001101dddaaaiii Logical shift left immediate
LSRI   Rd,Ra,#I 2 0001110dddaaaiii Logical shift right immediate
MOVI   Rd,#I 5 0001111dddiiiiii Move immediate to register

Table 3.1. 16-bit ALU instructions

Opcode Format Encoding Description
LDB   Rd,(Ra,S) 4 0010000dddaaasss Indexed load byte
LDW   Rd,(Ra,S) 4 0010100dddaaasss Indexed load word
LDB   Rd,(Ra+,S) 4 0010001dddaaasss Indexed load byte with postincrement
LDW   Rd,(Ra+,S) 4 0010101dddaaasss Indexed load word with postincrement
LDB   Rd,(-Ra,S) 4 0010010dddaaasss Indexed load byte with predecrement
LDW   Rd,(-Ra,S) 4 0010110dddaaasss Indexed load word with predecrement
STB   (Rd,S),Ra 4 0011000dddaaasss Indexed store byte
STW   (Rd,S),Ra 4 0011100dddaaasss Indexed store word
STB   (Rd+,S),Ra 4 0011001dddaaasss Indexed store byte with postincrement
STW   (Rd+,S),Ra 4 0011101dddaaasss Indexed store word with postincrement
STB   (-Rd,S),Ra 4 0011010dddaaasss Indexed store byte with predecrement
STW   (-Rd,S),Ra 4 0011110dddaaasss Indexed store word with predecrement

Table 3.2. 16-bit load/store instructions

Opcode Format Encoding Description
BRA   S 7 0100000sssssssss Relative branch
BAL   S,Rb 6 0100001ssssssbbb Relative branch and link
BEQ   S,Ra,Rb 3 0100010sssaaabbb Relative branch if equal
BNE   S,Ra,Rb 3 0100011sssaaabbb Relative branch if not equal
BLTS  S,Ra,Rb 3 0100100sssaaabbb Relative branch if signed less than
BGTS  S,Ra,Rb 3 0100101sssaaabbb Relative branch if signed greater than
BLTU  S,Ra,Rb 3 0100110sssaaabbb Relative branch if unsigned less than
BGTU  S,Ra,Rb 3 0100111sssaaabbb Relative branch if unsigned greater than
JMP   Rd 1 0101000ddd000000 Absolute jump
JAL   Rd,Rb 1 0101001ddd000bbb Absolute jump and link
JEQ   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0101010dddaaabbb Absolute jump if equal
JNE   Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0101011dddaaabbb Absolute jump if not equal
JLTS  Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0101100dddaaabbb Absolute jump if signed less than
JGTS  Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0101101dddaaabbb Absolute jump if signed greater than
JLTU  Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0101110dddaaabbb Absolute jump if unsigned less than
JGTU  Rd,Ra,Rb 1 0101111dddaaabbb Absolute jump if unsigned greater than

Table 3.3. 16-bit branch/jump instructions

Opcode Format Encoding Description
RTE   Rd 1 0110000ddd000000 Return from exception

Table 3.4. Miscellaneous 16-bit instructions

Embecosm divider strip